Victory Temple Pentecostal Church

About Us

Our membership consists of families, couples and individuals who are developing a strong relationship with Christ. We believe that charity begins at home and then spreads abroad. For families, we focus on building a faithful commitment to God, our spouses and our children. For the church, we realize that together - everyone can accomplish more. Therefore, we develop as helpers one to another. Through these God inspired principles, we can have a greater impact upon our community and our world. We welcome you with open arms. Please inquire today, through our
"contact us" link
about how you can become a
part of our church family. 

Directions to Victory Temple
Click on this Link for Directions to Victory Temple Pentecostal Church
The Legacy of our forerunners continue...

Below is a picture of  Emeritus Pastor - Dr. Herman and Executive Mother Louise Edwards. What a great work they have done in serving God's people. They have provided us excellent examples, of love, servitude, faithfulness and dedication. We love them for all that they have done as natural & spiritual parents, and simply wonderful people of God. On May 23, 2010 the Pastoral mantle was officially passed...and the church marches on...even today...

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